North-East Family Office
Who We Are
North-East was etablished in 2013 in Copenhagen by the founders of the global jewelry brand, Pandora. Today Winnie Liljeborg together with her son, Christian Algot Enevoldsen, are the owners of the family office.
The purpose of North-East Family Office is to assist the families in preserving their material and ethical values for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations.
Family Office, Denmark
+45 3336 0800
Vestagervej 17
2900 Hellerup
North-East Group ApS
Business Registration Number: 35244328
Family Office, Singapore
52B Tras Street
Singapore 078991
North-East Family Office Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Company Registration Number. 201544129W
Asset Management
+45 3336 0800
Vestagervej 17
2900 Hellerup
North-East Family Office Fondsmæglerselskab A/S
Business Registration Number: 36449381
North-East Private Equity
Eugene Chua
Investment Manager
Sam Robinson
Senior Advisor
52B Tras Street
Singapore 078991
North-East Asset Management Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Company Registration Number: 201601561C
North-East Venture
Jesper Gravlund Nielsen
Store Strandstræde 19, 1. sal
1255 København K
North-East Venture ApS
Business Registration Number: 25167341
Press Contact
Lars Mejer
+45 2148 3254

Lasse Dehn-Baltzer
Chief Executive Officer
Jacob Berring
Chief Investment Officer
Jens Rytter
Chief Financial Officer
Sam Robinson
Senior Advisor
Daniel Fugmann
General Counsel
Liene Høvsgaard
Head of IT
Anders Nordbæk
Head of Trading & Operations
Mikael Henriksen
Medical Director
Lena Mink
Head of Office Management & Service
Huda Mohd Sa’ad
Head of Singapore Operations
Anders Friis Binzer
Portfolio ManagerMikael Henriksen
Medical DirectorFamily Office
+45 3336 0800
Vestagervej 17
2900 Hellerup
Svanemøllevej 16
2100 Copenhagen
North-East Family Office ApS
Business Registration Number: 36989041
Asset Management
+45 3336 0800
Vestagervej 17
2900 Hellerup
Svanemøllevej 16
2100 Copenhagen
North-East Family Office Fondsmæglerselskab A/S
Business Registration Number: 36449381
+65 6818 9719
52B Tras Street
Singapore 078991
North-East Family Office Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Business Registration Number: 201544129W
The North-East Group
The North-East Group is a group of companies (in Danish: koncern) controlled by North-East Group ApS, Danish business registration number (in Danish: CVR–nummer) 35244328.
Group Tax Policy
The policy also applies to North-East Asset Management.
Group Tax Policy of April 27, 2022 (current)
Group Tax Policy of October 26, 2020 (outdated)
Group Tax Policy of June 19, 2020 (outdated)
Data Protection Policies
The policies also apply to North-East Asset Management.
North-East Asset Management
North-East Asset Management (full Danish name: North-East Family Office Fondsmæglerselskab A/S) is regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (in Danish: Finanstilsynet, the “Danish FSA”).
Address and registration numbers
North-East Asset Management has its registered address at Vestagervej 17, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark and is registered with the Danish FSA under number 8322.
The Danish business registration number (in Danish: CVR-nummer) of North-East Asset Management is 36449381.
Clients may address any complaints to General Councel,
Daniel Fugmann at df(at)
We will confirm receipt of any complaints and reply in writing.
Policy on the integration of sustainability risks
Engagement policy
North-East Asset Management has not developed an Engagement Policy (in Danish: Politik for aktivt ejerskab) since investment in shares in publicly listed companies is a minor area of activity and North-East Asset Management does not have any significant shareholdings in such companies.
No consideration of adverse impacts on specific sustainability factors
North-East Asset Management, in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022,
supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (”SFDR”), hereby declares that it currently does not consider adverse impacts on sustainability factors when making investment decisions.
North-East Asset Management’s value-based investment strategy is a return-first strategy that does not focus on specific sustainability factors and effects (such as CO2 emissions) or the size hereof.
North-East Asset Management reconsiders its approach to sustainability each year.
Inspection reports from the Danish FSA will be published here as they become available.
Statement of Inquiry into North-East Family Office
Remuneration report (vederlagsrapport) for 2023 for North-East Family Office Fondsmæglerselskab A/S